
Showing posts from August, 2018

The Journey Begins

Finally, the journey begins! We are going from a cookie-cutter house in the burbs to a homestead property in the mountains. It has always been my dream to live off the grid, have some chickens, maybe a few goats to make my own goat cheese. Where I live not that is not even close to possible. Last weekend, we finally started to build our tiny cabin. The first step was probably the hardest. We needed to dig seven holes for caissons. I don't know if you have ever dug holes at 10,000 ft but let me tell you, it is a nightmare. One hole took two of us four hours. We only dug 12 inches wide and two foot deep. I am not kidding. We literally pulled out 200 rocks double the size of softballs. How in the world they fit in that hole will never make sense to me. At one point, I was ready to just build the dang thing right on the ground, but cooler heads prevailed. It took five of us four days just to dig the holes, but it's done! Yeah! This weekend we are setting the beams and roughin